Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bill Maher Anti-Pharma Rant

Well if you frequent the Zen Health blog or subscribe to Zen News, it is not a stretch for you to see that we are pretty much anti pharmaceutical...against the latest and greatest little purple bill bound to make all of your troubles disappear.

I feel like what has happened in our society is people put their power in this little basket and carry it around looking to give it away to someone in the hopes that someone has the power to fix them. That is where the pharmaceutical industry comes in...I mean, think about the last commercial you saw on TV that was pharmaceutical in nature – the fix is just a doctor's visit away!

With those feelings in mind, when I stumbled across the below video I knew I had to share. Bill Maher has done it again, and summed it up in four minutes!



Sus said...

I've been a big fan of Maher since he first showed up on regular TV...I don't have cable. But I don't always agree with him and while he makes plenty of excellent points in this video, the idea that all you need is exercise and a change in diet and you can cure your severe mental illness is bullocks.

Even when I am exercising regularly I am still mentally ill and I will always be mentally ill. I do wish that people would stop stigmatizing those of us who do know that the meds have helped us lead a mostly normal life. I'm not ashamed of this part of me and I'm not ashamed of being on medication but I also know what they will and won't do for me.

It's up to people to take responsibility for what they put in their body and not just blindly allow a commercial to tell them what to do, how to feel, what to eat...

Angie said...

Here here! I could not have said it better!!!